Have questions?

Let us answer those questions below!


Frequently asked Questions

Do you serve infants?

Infant Care – Birth to 12 months:

Infancy is a time of great growth and discovery. Our infant care is based on the individual needs of each child. From individualizing sleep and feeding schedules to match each child’s unique needs, to creating exploration experiences that are appropriate for each child’s stage of development. Our focus is on creating an experience for each infant that encourages growth and development while providing a safe nurturing environment. Daily children have opportunities to explore art materials, snuggle on a teacher’s lap with a story, experiment with sound and music, build with blocks, and move around to build muscle strength.

Do you serve toddlers?

Toddler Care – 1 to 3 Years Old

Infancy is a time of great growth and discovery. Our infant care is based on the individual needs of each child. From individualizing sleep and feeding schedules to match each child’s unique needs, to creating exploration experiences that are appropriate for each child’s stage of development. Our focus is on creating an experience for each infant that encourages growth and development while providing a safe nurturing environment. Daily children have opportunities to explore art materials, snuggle on a teacher’s lap with a story, experiment with sound and music, build with blocks, and move around to build muscle strength.

Do you serve pre-school age?

Preschool Age – 3 to 5 Years Old

Our Preschool/Pre-Kindergarten program offers an abundance of hands on learning experiences. Well-planned learning centers that allow for child choice, self directed play, and supportive teaching that prepares children for academic excellence make up the core of our program. From exploring what bugs need to survive to investigating how to construct a dollhouse, children embrace opportunities for authentic learning experiences that directly relate to their interests allowing for intrinsic motivation. Teachers support children’s learning by planning activities and creating centers that enhance the children’s developing interests. With each new project children embrace:

  • Mathematical Reasoning “How long to my pieces of wood need to be?”
  • Scientific Inquiry “If we give the plant milk to drink will that make it stronger?”
  • Language Expression “I need to read about what bugs sting!”
  • Creative Expression “I want to paint my puppet theater.”
In addition to planning exceptional activities within the classroom our teachers use Ages & Stages assessment tools to help ensure that each child’s individual growth and development is maximized.
What will my child be learning at your ELC?

The YMCA Early Learning Center’s curriculum includes activities based on the Indiana Early Learning Foundations framework (The Foundations). The Foundations refer to the whole child and include: English/Language Arts/Literacy, Arts, Mathematics, Social Emotional, Approaches to Play and Learning, Science, Social Studies, Creative Arts and Physical Health and Growth. The Indiana Early Learning Foundation guides our planning and assessments for children.

The center is a safe, fun and nurturing place where children participate in age-appropriate learning and activities that help prepare them future learning. The ELC provides support to parents as they are the first teacher of their child(ren). 

Do you close for holidays or weather?

We close for the following holidays: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving and “Black Friday”, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We will close if there is a State of Emergency issued. 

We reserve the right to re-evaluate the need to be open on or around any holidays; so, this list of closures may be subject to change. Additional ELC closings will be posted as soon as possible.


Do you provide meals and/or snacks?

Yes we do! We provide nutritionally balanced snacks, meals and cooking activities. Our meals meet Indiana State Board of Health and Child and Adult Care Food Program guidelines. Menus are posted in each classroom and on the “Parent News” board near the front office. We serve a morning snack, breakfast, lunch and a afternoon snack. 


How often do you clean the rooms and toys?

A heathly,clean facility is a top priority. We clean our rooms and toys daily. We will also clean and sanitize as needed for toys and classrooms. 


What is your policy regarding sick children?

In order to keep our children, their families and our staff as healthy as possible, we require that any child with a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or contagious disease be kept at home. Therefore, when a child has a fever of 100.4° or higher, experience symptoms causing discomfort or sleeping when it’s not naptime, we will send them home. They may return when fever/symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of a fever reducer. If a child has an unknown rash, we will send them home. They may return with a doctor’s note. There may be other illnesses requiring a doctor’s note to return. Once you enroll, you will recieve more information and a list of illnesses/symptoms we will not be able to serve. 


What security measures are in place to protect my child?

Your child’s safety and your peace of mind are of the utmost concern at Kokomo Family YMCA Early Learning Center. All visitors must be buzzed into the building and everyone is required to show ID until front desk staff are familiar with them. Children must be dropped off and picked up by an adult (age 18 or older). That adult must check them in and out on the Brightwheel app. and use a full signature. A valid photo ID must be shown and that person must be authorized to pick up. For the safety of all children, ONLY authorized persons with photo ID will be allowed to take a child from the center. There are absolutely NO exceptions.

What you need to know 

Where are you located?

We are located on the westside of Kokomo! Our address is:
701 St. Joseph Drive

Kokomo, IN 46901

What are your hours?
Hours of operation:
6:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday
We are closed many of the holidays throughout the year!
What is your children-to-teacher ratio?

he State mandated teacher to child ratio and maximum group size is:

Our child-to-teacher ratio is 4:1 for infants (max of 8). Our child-to-teacher ratio is 5:1 for toddlers/twos (max 10). Our child-to-teacher ratio is 4:1 for our COC (Continuity of Care) Room (max of 8). Our child-to-teacher ratio is 7:1 for 30-40 months (max of 14). Our child-to-teacher ratio is 10:1 for 3 year olds (max of 20). Our child-to-teacher ratio is 12:1 for 4 year olds (max of 24). Our child-to-teacher ratio is 15:1 for 5 year olds (max of 24). 

Should there be a time that a classroom is out of ratio, a member of our administration team or another staff member will step in to meet the ratio requirement as soon as possible.

Do you except CCDF?

We accept CCDF and On My Way Pre-K vouchers

How do you communicate with parents?

We communicate face-to-face, by phone, but mostly with the Brightwheel app. Once you are enrolled, you will recieved more information and our parent handbook.

On My Way Pre-K

The YMCA participates in the State of Indiana’s Pre-K initiative, On My Way Pre-K. The initiative for free Pre-K is based on family income. Families qualify at 127% below federal poverty level and must be working or enrolled in school. Question regarding this program can be addressed by the Director or Assistant Director.



We believe that lasting personal and social change can only come about when we all work together to invest in our kids, our health and our neighbors. That’s why, at the Y, strengthening community is our cause. Every day, we work side-by-side with our community partners and neighbors to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive.  Together, with over 2,600 Ys across the country we are committed to youth development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility. The mission of the Kokomo Family YMCA is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for ALL.